Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Monday 10 September 2012

Dredd (2012)

In 7 words or less: The ultimate futuristic law man......Judge Dredd

What's it all About? In the overpopulated ruins of America, 800 million people are jammed into Mega-City One. The only thing standing in the way of total armageddon is the totalitarian state that is ruled by the Judges. When a new designer drug hits the mean streets of the city, Judge Dredd is dispatched to the scene to investigate.

Best bits? Slow motion has been overused ever since the 'bullet time' scenes in The Matrix. Here however it is wholly justified. The scene where Dredd and rookie, Judge Anderson bust a drug den is exhilarating and stylish all at the same time. The fact that the film makers didn't shy away from the censors and went balls out with an 18 certificate made this film what it is. Well done.

Did it make you think thoughts? This could have been oh so wrong. After the 90's debacle that was the Sly Stallone Dredd film, the producers of the 2012 effort decided to have people attached to the project with a vested interest in all things Dredd. Long time scribe John Wagner was on hand to advise about plot points, characters and overall tone. It was a good decision.

Here's a pic of the comic uniform by the amazing Brian Bolland
The Chief has been reading comics for over 20 years but by far my favourite comic is 2000 ad. Launching in 1977, this British weekly sci-fi anthology introduced the character of Judge Dredd in issue 2. Over 1700 issues later and he's still kicking ass and taking names. There is a reason however why there has only been one feature film produced bearing his name in the last 35 years. Dredd stories feature a high level of satire and black comedy in much of the writing, something our yankee friends across the pond never seem to 'get'. What transpires here though, is an unflinching hard nosed brute of a film. Visceral violence, uncompromising characters and no sloppy loves story attached make for a cracking action flick that thumps along at a rip roaring pace.

There's a few changes to the uniform but it still looks ace
Karl Urban is very well cast as the eponymous 'hero' and although there are times when his american accent slips into a slightly New Zealand drawl, he pretty nails the cold, hard, job focused law-man. 

Would you watch it again? Most definitely. This is up there with Batman and Avengers. Comic book adaptations are the future!

Rating (out of 100%): This is crying out for a sequel and there certainly no shortage of source material to work from. I give Dredd an in-your-face, prep bustin', law givin' 90%
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