What's it all About? With silent films going out of fashion, Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) and his studio boss decide to make a 'talkie'. Unfortunately his leading lady Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen) is from Noo Yoork and they decide that her strong raspy accent should be dubbed over with that of new sweetheart Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds). Providing the comedy clown bits is the rubber limbed Cosmo Brown (Donald O'Conner).
Best bits? The choreography on display here is so good it nearly blew my nutsack off. The title song might be good but there are even better dance numbers on offer. The 'Good Morning' scene is ace.
'Make 'em Laugh' is another display of an amazing routine featuring such skill it will make your eyes bleed.
Did it make you think thoughts? Wow, today's actors sure are lazy toerags. Back in the day you had to act, sing and dance to be able to tread the boards and hit the heights of stardom. Kelly and O'Connor are so precise, skilled and likeable you wonder if they're robots programmed on the 'entertain' setting. The two female interests are equally as good and match our male protagonists blow for blow. Debbie Reynolds is gorgeous and Jean Hagen turns the feisty meter up to eleven. Great stuff.

The sets are sprawling, the songs spectacular, the direction immaculate, and the technicolour glorious. All in all a super tight production.
Would you watch it again? Hot damn I love this film. Yes I will.
Rating (out of 100%): I can't believe I'd never seen this before this morning. What a chump. If you don't have a smile on your face whilst watching this you're dead to me. I give Singin' in the Rain a stormy 90%