In 7 words or less: Sly and others have an 80's reunion
What's it all About? Barney Ross (Stallone) is the leader of a mercenary troupe who take on a mission from government spook Mr Church (Willis). Sly rounds up the gang including Jet, Dolph, Jason, Randy and Terry and they set siege to a south american island in an attempt to kill someone.....or something like that. Cue lots and lots and lots and lots of shooting and explosions.
Best bits? The scene with Sly, Brucie and Arnie in the church is choke full of hammy performances and gives a warm feeling of gun toting 80's nostalgia. Mickey Rourke has a nice cameo and delivers the only semi serious bit of acting on display.
Did it make you think thoughts? It would be unfair to judge this alongside Bourne or Batman or any other modern action oriented flick. This is a pure 80's rock 'em sock 'em balls wild shoot 'em up and should be judged accordingly. With that in mind it hits the right buttons. Things get shot, stuff gets blown up and one liners are fired off with reckless abandon. The script is atrocious, which was expected, and it does highlight just how far cinema has moved on from the 'action man' blockbusters of yesteryear.

Would you watch it again? Yeah why not. It's cheesy as all get out but in a good way.
Rating (out of 100%): Not the disaster epic it could have been. If you take it for what it is you should have some semblance of fun. I give The Expendables a rocket propelled grenade launching 67%