Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Sunday 11 March 2012

The Artist (2011)

In 7 words or less: Awards botherer. Silent, French, noir et blanc.

What's it all about? George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) is a famous big head slient movie star. He falls for lowly extra/dancer Peppy Miller (Bérénice Bejo) who then usurps his status as top dog in Hollywoodland when the talkies come in. George (and his dog) are dumped by the studio and audiences in favour of Peppy and her talky sassy ways...

Best bits? I loved the way the film played on the silent movie era in a post modern way, a great scene is where George dreams he hears sounds but cannot speak himself. Peppy Miller is 'spiceworld' and the two leads have an excellent on screen chemistry. It's a tight, brilliantly choreographed little number, and the recreation of 1920's Hollywood is very authentic.

Did it make you think thoughts? It's a fun, smart and good-hearted ode to the silent movie era, which takes a fresh approach to a style not seen since the early days of cinema.

No film that ever sweeps the boards at the big awards ceremonies is ever miles better than anything else. Although this was awesome, I think it's a shame that while some excellent films from last year were left out of the movie world love in, The Artist was celebrated more than any other. 

Would you watch it again? Maybe, although unlikely.

Rating (out of 100%): I really enjoyed this and there's no reason why you shouldn't too. In fact it's a film that will appeal to all generations with plenty of laughs, romance and sass. The emotional scenes never get too heavy (even when George tries to kill himself it's hard to take seriously), the performances are full of talent and energy and the script has wit in abundance. A great idea, carried out with panache, I give this a not so artistic but still a lot of fun 84%
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