Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Thursday 1 March 2012

Muppet Treasure Island (1996)

In 7 words or less: Muppets walk the plank with Long-John Silver

What's it all About? Like the preceding Christmas Carol, we are treated to a another interpretation of a literary classic with a muppet spin on it. For those that don't know, the story revolves around young Jim Hawkins who, along with an eclectic cast of characters, sets sail to find a stash of hidden treasure. 

Best bits? Sam The American Eagle is fast becoming another new fave of mine and here he is on great form as first mate Samuel Arrow. Before the ship sets sail, Sam does a crew roll call. Great stuff as we are treated to Dead Tom, Clueless Morgan, and Headless Bill amongst others.

The final song where Piggy and Kermit are dangling from a rope high above the cliff top doomed to drop to their deaths is a fantastically wonderful comic moment. While they sing their love for each other, we get slo-mo scenes of pirates dancing and wallowing in gold booty. Great stuff.

Did it make you think thoughts? You have to wait about 15 minutes before you get any recognizable muppets character on screen apart from Gonzo which is not a good thing (Not that Gonzo isn't a good thing, rather I want more muppet activity). This drought is broken by the incomparable Fozzie Bear who just so happens to believe he has a small man called Mr Bimble living in his finger who gives him advice! Now this is the sort of madcap muppet craziness I love. Unfortunately, after this scene, Fozzie doesn't feature much which is a real shame. 

Their's a man in my finger!
As far as the human portions of the film go, Tim Curry is well cast as Long John but the kid that plays Jim Hawkins is quite annoying and his opening song is awful. Staying with the songs, they have a most definite Disney feel to them which is conveyed in their cutesy, feel good, non-offensive manner. The Cabin Fever song and the aforementioned final song are the best of the bunch.

Where Island trumps Carol is in the way it deviates slightly from the original story material. This allows our favourite muppet adventurers to be put in unlikely situations that we aren't expecting. It also allows the now obligatory Swedish Chef appearance which is followed by some talking fruit and vegetables exclaiming, 'How else did you think we get him in this film!'

Polly the Lobster
Would you watch it again? Oh course, it's the muppets.

Rating (out of 100%): Slow to start but enough funny turns and performances make this the best of the 'family first' muppets flicks. I give Muppets Treasure Island a bilge swilling, plank walking, land lubber hating, hard-to-port 77%
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