Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Thursday 22 March 2012

The Muppets (2011)

In 7 words or less:
 The band reunites one more time

What's it all About? A plot thread going back to the very first Muppet Movie, explains that the muppet studios and muppet name will be turned over to rich oil tycoon Tex Richman (Cooper) unless the mupps can raise a cool 10 mil. The only way to do that is if they put on a show. Unfortunately they have all gone their separate ways and so, with the help of newcomers Gary and Walter, Kermit embarks on a venture to round everyone up and put on an old school shindig worthy of muppet marvelouness. 

Best bits? Kermit's 80's robot is genius, what a character. Anyone who says, 'Gag me with a spoon,' in a Johnny 5 accent is ok in my book. Don't believe me? check these clips out.

The Moopets are another highlight. A muppets rip-off tribute band. Yowza, what a concept. Dave Grohl cameos as Animool and we also have a gangster-like Foozie and the foul mouthed Miss Poogy. Ha ha, I laughed I can tell you.

Wacka Wacka Yo
Picking out a favourite song is tricky as they are all ace but if you forced me to I'd go with the spectacularly ridiculous 'Man or Muppet' and the 70's disco vibed 'Party of One'.

Did it make you think thoughts? The muppet world is a strange one. Human Gary (Segel) has a brother Walter, who happens to be a puppet man who just happens to wonder if he might be a muppet. What? The fact that that the rest of the muppet universe accepts talking frogs and joke telling bears means that we can overlook this human/puppet relationship. 

The opening 10 minutes is pretty kiddie friendly and features the first of a great bunch of songs. The all singing all dancing 'Life's a happy song' had me wondering if it would be aimed too much at the ankle biters and would fail to entertain The Chief. Crisis averted as soon as we get our first cameo. Chris Cooper is sublime and helps to set up the story with his 'maniacal laugh' spouting evil Tex Richman. 

It also becomes clear that 90% of the humour and jokes are aimed at the adults in the audience. Along with this more pop-cultury humour we get a large slice of reality and heartfelt angst. As Kermit recalls how all his friends have now drifted away, he laments about the possibility that he asked too much of his former charges. The weight of responsibility is heavy on his shoulders and this is conveyed superbly in the awesome 'Pictures in my Head' tune (The Swedish Chef pops up here which is always a delight for The Chief). It also poses the question of the muppets relevance in today's modern, junk food, snap shot, reality tv obsessed society. 

Mournful Kermie
Staying with the serious tone, Kermit and Piggy show us why they should be considered one of cinemas great couples. When we first meet Kermit, Piggy is nowhere to be seen and as the film progresses we learn that these are jilted lovers. Theirs is a true romance with all the up and downs of a real world all human couple. This being a Disney film you don't need spoilers to know it all ends happily ever after, as well it should.

With all the songs contained within, it does feel slightly as if it's just a bunch of tunes strung together with various other things happening in between. That may be the case, but the fact that this is arguably the greatest collection of uplifting, clever, catchy songs ever assembled in one motion picture completely lets it off the hook. Staying with the songs, if you don't like or don't know who Flight of the Conchords are you're a loser. Fact. I mention this because one half of the Conchords, Brett McKenzie, had a hand in most of the songs on the soundtrack. It really does show as well. They really jump out at you and pop with lyrical flair. Love it. If you don't get a smile watching Beaker, Sam, Rowlf and Link Hearthrob performing a barber shop quartet rendition of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' you have no soul. Likewise, seeing Chris Cooper busting out a cynical, materialistic rap is priceless. Ah, I could go on and on.

Two points to finish on. Fozzie's fart shoes had me in stitches and it would be criminal of me not to mention The Spy Who Loved homage as the muppets drive their car out of the sea onto the beach. Roger would be proud!

Would you watch it again? Hot diggedy dog, I sure will.

Road Trip!
Rating (out of 100%): I love it. I've seen it twice already. Is it as good as The Muppets Take Manhattan? Right now I think it's better but I will go back and compare again soon. At this moment in muppet time I give The Muppets a rainbow connecting 90%
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