What's it all About? A newly emigrated Londoner, John Tunstall (Stamp) runs cattle ranches and takes in stray waifs on the side attempting to give them an education and get them off the streets. He regularly butts heads with evil rancher Lawrence Murphy (Palance) and when things get out of hand the 'Regulators' mount up and seek vengeance. Leading the gang is the soon to be notorious William H. Bonney aka Billy the Kid.
Best bits? The spirit world, Charlie's fist fight, the trunk, dirty Steve, the opening credits, and the chat with the stranger in the Mexican bar.
Did it make you think thoughts? This brings back vivid memories of my youth, well childhood I guess seeing as I was 13 when I watched it. Oh dear, maybe I shouldn't have been watching it. 1988 was a simpler time, a time when I would go to the Martin household (Gav & Ben) and we'd visit the local video library with their grandad and rent the latest action flicks on offer. Along with Die Hard, it was Young Guns that helped show me what an action movie can really do.
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You gotta be handy with the steel if you know what I mean, earn your keep |
This movie is non-stop and manages to cram in a bus load of character development alongside an involving plot and sharp dialogue. All the performances are spot on but it is Estevez as the eponymous Kid who steals the show and chews up the screen. He's all feisty anger and dead eye pistoleering mixed with showmanship and humour. At times you hate him, at others you root for him.
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Get off my land! |
Would you watch it again? Stupid question. I love it.
Rating (out of 100%): This scores 6.6 on IMDB proving yet again that that site cannot be trusted and that the majority of the general public are idiots. I give Young Guns a rousing, six-shooting 91%