In 7 words or less: Life in the palm of your hand
Best bits? Any time the scene chewing Lee J Cobb shows up as Juror #3, wow he's angry, the bits where you feel the shift in thoughts and of course the wonderful Henry Fonda.
Did it make you think thoughts? Can a film work when it all takes place in just one setting? Others have tried (Devil, Exam and Buried) but this is surely the best. 12 anonymous jurors must decide if a young man is guilty of murder. It almost becomes a murder mystery and it actually made me think and consider what conclusions I would have come to in that situation.
Would you watch it again? Yes. A classic example of fantastic character acting. We also get to see a young Jack Klugman before he became the awesomeness that is Qunicy M.E.
Rating (out of 100%): GUILTY......of receiving a splendiferous 82%