In 7 words or less: Middle America has something in the water.
Best bits? Some great zombie (or crazies as they're called here) scares to be had in this romp! Crazy pitchfork man is a creepy fellow, as are the towns local carwash attendants. It's shot really nicely for a zom film too. In between the killings you're treated to some stunning cinematography. There's lots of treats to be had here people.
Did it make you think thoughts? I love a good zombie flick, this technically isn't one but.. Well, it is one really! Funny looking people running around a small town acting crazy? That's ZOMS! Funny how I've seen this type of film dozens of times but I keep coming back for more? Small town Sheriff tries to lead a band of small town folk out of a small town crawling with zoms whilst fighting off strange (small town hating) government people! Got to love it!
Would you watch it again? Bought this bad boy on blu ray. I'll go in again when I feel like a dose of zom.. Not too far off I'd imagine.
Rating (out of 100%): Great fun! 75%.