Best bits? Are you kidding me? The whole thing is a best bit! Okay, I'll narrow it down! The incinerator fight is an absolute classic! Marines pinned down by aliens in the bowels of LV426, all brought to life by helmet cams and seductive camera work! Incredible action! Hmmm, drone gun scene stands out as does any scene involving Corporal Hicks. The sets are mind blowing and totally immersive, turn out the lights and you're right there with these guys! "They mostly come at night... Mostly".
Did it make you think thoughts? I'm watching this at the precise moment I turn 30 years of age. Nothing says happy birthday like Aliens! I can honestly say this is one of my favourite films of all time. The amount of thoughts it makes me think is almost inconceivable. This film gets me just as excited now as it did when I was watching it from the safety of my stairs as a small boy.
Would you watch it again? I can't imagine a time in my life when I wouldn't want to watch this film on a regular basis. I could watch it every Friday night until the end of time.
Rating (out of 100%): 94% A film tailor made for this reviewer! Gripping from start to finish. Totally jealous of any human that hasn't seen this, you're in for an insane treat! Almost perfect.