Best bits? When the elephant killed the big meanie from Inglorious Bastards. Also seeing R-Patz dance along the roof of a moving train was quite a visual treat. R-Patz, SWOON! Really liked all the animals escaping and trampling the middle class circus goers - 'oh no, not my frilly bonnet you naughty lion!'
Did it make you think thoughts? Yes, animals are a much better race than humans. Oh and that I'd like to run away with the circus (a non animal one)
Would you watch it again? Prob not, it's a one time deal but a good deal at that. Why thank you R-Patz and Witherspoon I'll drift off to sleep peacefully knowing you raised Rosie the right way.
Rating (out of 100%): 71% Interesting characters, bad CG tigers and a happy ending. What more do you want on a Monday night?