Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Monday 27 February 2012

The Bodyguard (1992)

In 7 words or less: People try to hurt Whitney. 

What's it all About? Rachel (aka Whitters) is a hot celeb at the peak of her career. What could possibly derail this wild ride of fame, fortune, swimming pools and electric gates? Well nutters trying to kill her, that's what. After receiving some dodgy notes (sent by someone who I must say was very handy with the scissors) and discovering someone snuck in and jerked off in her bed (slightly unnecessary in the context of the film), her team step up the security and bring in Farmer, hold onto your hats ladies, cue: Costner! A love/hate/sex relationship blossoms while Costner gets her security ship shape (it seems despite being an international superstar she only had one overweight bumbling idiot looking after her), and before we know it, Costner is out to save her life not just for a job, but only for bloody true love. Swoon!

Best bits? I like the bit where they go to the snowy retreat and a man with a gun comes. Oo it's exciting. Get him Kevin, get him! I also like the bit where she's on stage and the audience start grabbing her and Costner strides in with a fire extinguisher, sweeps her up and carries right out of there. This is stuff that could only have been created in the 90s - and what with the 90s finally starting to look like they stand for something and coming back in, I enjoyed the transportation to bad love songs sang beautifully, robotic clothing and blood curdling perms. 

There are also some odd bits in this film which make it feel all nostalgic and cuddly in the same way when you think about people's names from your school days (why do names of kids you went to school with sound so funny?!) There's this bit where she's really absorbed in her walkman (awesome) by the pool, she's rocking out and humming along. Only she's listening to her own music? That was odd. There's also the bit where the 'red herring' stalker calls her up and just shouts 'no,no,no,no,no,no' in a really creepy voice. It's a real 90s scare and some might say they're the best ones. 

Did it make you think thoughts? With Whitney's untimely death it's hard not to think what a shame that it all ended like that. She really was 'a voice' and a beautiful lady. The chemistry between her and Costner was a bit naff but I thought 'ah, they had a nice time making that'. It was a weird parody to her life and hard not to think that she needed a real life bodyguard. Sigh. Sad face.

On a slightly less worthy note, I also had lots of flashbacks to school discos, awkward dances with boys and kisses that tasted like Space Raiders. 

Would you watch it again? Yes. I bust it out every now and then for a very non-guilty pleasure. At the bottom of their hearts every girl would like a strong man to jump in front of her if they were being shot at. Ah the romance of a live shoot out, you just can't beat it.

Rating (out of 100%): I'm giving the body guard a 'Queen of the NIght' 75%. A 90s classic. All together now....and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIeeeeIiiiiiiiiii will alllllllways loooooove youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Beautiful. 
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