Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Sunday 19 February 2012

Never Been Kissed (1999)

In 7 words or less: Bad clothes, jocks, prom and luuuuuuuuurve

What's it all About? Drew Barrymore (Josie Grossie) had a tough time at high school. Very much the archetypal 'nerd with braces', she was humiliated, picked on and ridiculed all the way to prom night where the high school heart throb pretended he would date her and then threw eggs at her from a limo. All together now..... Arrrrrrr! 

Now as an actual grown up (aged 25) and working as a reporter she is sent back to high school under cover to find out 'what kids are all about these days'. 

Flashbacks to her own time at school commence and she discovers many of the same characters are still alive and kicking and goes on a journey through similar experiences over coming them all to be crowned prom queen. Phew. 

She also discovers that high school is still a thriving breeding ground for true love only this time falling head over heels with her English teacher. A slightly weird situation arises where they flirt and look into each other's eyes a lot. It's sweet but hard not to think that bearing in mind he thinks she's 17, he's actually a massive pedo. They get together though and it's all lovely so you have to try and move beyond that.... Just try ok!  

Best bits? i enjoyed the oh so typical high school scenes - snogging at the lockers, the 'denominators' maths club skipping through the halls with their calculators, the kooky teacher who makes students wear a mexican hat for being late, the competition between jocks to eat the most coleslaw etc etc. I know it's over done and cliched but I lap it up. Plus it goes great with wine and chocs.  

Did it make you think thoughts? Yes, I thought the following: 'high school in america looks genuinely petrifying'. Yes I know it's a caricature, but it's got to be based on something real! All those clicks, the glossiness, the cars! No, no, no! I want kids on BMXs and in jumpers with holes in the sleeves please!

The film also plays into a nice fantasy that probably everyone has had once - 'what would I be like if I went back to high school now?' I'm sure after 29 years on the planet I must have a decent come back for 'alright big tits'.... Hmmm perhaps not. 

Would you watch it again? It's a wine o clock movie. Harmless silly fun. I would watch it again. I also LOVE Drew, it's a perfect role for her, this is how I like my Drew. Ben and I broke into a spontaneous dance during the end credits so it was either the feel good factor of the film or possibly the wine that gave us a pick me up. 

Rating (out of 100%): I'll give it a big brace face grinning 70%. What fun! I <3 you Drew! 
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