Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Tower Heist (2011)

In 7 words or less: Comedians turn to crime = very few laughs

What's it all About? A load of working stiffs who hold down a variety of jobs in a flashy high rise tower block find out that they've been swindled out of their money by the building's owner. A group of these sad sack individuals decide to rob his penthouse apartment as payback.

Best bits? The car dangling scene was pretty tense but apart from that there isn't much to write home about.

Did it make you think thoughts? Wait a minute, was this supposed to be a comedy? Someone had told me that this was a return to form for my favourite 80's comedy actor, Eddie Murphy. They also said this was a great laugh fest with an intriguing story that rattled along at a great pace. When I remember who they are I will have words with them. Strong words. Bad words. In short the film is none of the above.

'We used to be funny man'
Ok, so Murphy is the best thing in the film and has a couple of choice one liners but overall it's just a boring flick that has cost me over 90 minutes of my life. Please try harder.

Would you watch it again? Nope.

Rating (out of 100%): Why oh why oh why did I get my hopes up for this? I give Tower Heist a dirty downtown 35%
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