Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Tropic Thunder (2008)

In 7 words or less: Dumb actors make war flick.

What's it all About? A group of actors making a massive, block bustin' Vietnam war film get sent into the jungle by their director to capture some realistic 'on the fly' footage. It all goes a bit wrong when they get mixed up with some vicious, poppy field ploughing, drug smuggling, gun tooting Southeast Asians. But get this.... They all think it's part of the movie, LOL. Watch Three Amigos instead.

Best bits? Oh man, there are of course some funny moments but no where near as many as there should have been. Tom Cruise's cameo is funny and Matthew McConaughey as a film agent who's obsessively trying to get TiVo installed for his client is also amusing, but the main players, Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey Jr in my opinion seriously miss their mark.

Did it make you think thoughts? The fake trailers at the beginning are probably better than the actual film and only re-emphisises the point that 'quirky ideas' don't always need to be made into feature films. The gags for those fake films work for their 2 minute slots and nothing more; kind of like Tropic Thunder.

The joke just doesn't stand up for the whole movie, it's not as clever as it thinks it is, in fact it's really quite embarrassing. Some of the scenes feel like something from a middle school drama production where everyone shouts over each other trying to get their line out first. No, I don't mind any of these actors but this film is just a big mess. I can imagine all of the studio executives and actors congratulating themselves for coming up with such a 'wacky' concept too... Grrrr! Three Amigos forever!

Would you watch it again? I've seen it twice now and can't imagine ever going back in.

Rating (out of 100%): 39% There are one or two really funny scenes but for the most part this a big cringe fest.
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