What's it all About? Infamous quick draw artist Jimmy Ringo is on his way to see his wife and son when trouble comes knocking on his door. Can his long time friend Marshal Strett help him out of a tight spot or will his legend finally catch up with him?
Best bits? The opening scene in the saloon is a cracker filled with snappy dialogue and tense action. Take a look.
Did it make you think thoughts? The opening text narrative bills our hero Jimmy Ringo as the fastest gun in the west. The problem is that we only get to witness Ringo wield the iron and quick draw some ornery varmints on a couple of occasions which is a shame.

Peck is as great as ever and imbues Ringo with an undenied mean streak simmering below a cool calm exterior. The film is less shoot-em-up and more about Jimmy's past actions, the reputation he has gained and a deep longing to settle down and leave former indiscretions behind him. This is all well and good but I wanted more action and gun-fighting. Oh well, you can't have it all.
Would you watch it again? Probably not.
Rating (out of 100%): This is hailed as a classic but it just didn't grab me like I hoped it would. I give The Gunfighter a howdy pardner 61%