Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Thursday 31 May 2012

Prometheus (2012)

In 7 words or less: Ridley returns! Any chance of some xenomorphs?

What's it all About? A team of scientists traveling on a starship named 'Prometheus' journey to a distant planet seaking answers about mankinds existence. Rest assured, It all gets a bit messy.

Best bits?  Before I get into the best bits from the actual film I'd like to start by saying how much I enjoyed the build up to this movie. The viral Weyland Industries website pumping out awesome videos along with the rest of the marketing machine meant that by the time the opening credits rolled I was in a liquid state of pure, joyful excitement! Fanboy? Yes. 

This. Film. Is. Stunning. From the first shot to the last it's a rip roaring, unadulterated sensory orgasm. Your eyes are treated to incredible, breathtaking visuals from the word go. The exteriors are beautifully vast and harsh in their design, baron, leaving no doubt in your mind that you're on a strange, mysterious planet (or Iceland) that's not to be trusted (the planet, not Iceland, I'm sure it's lovely.) But visuals aren't worth a facehugger if you don't have the delicious audio topping melted on top like acid for blood or if that's not to your tastes, another delicacy, bree perhaps. Certainly for my money/galatic space credits, this film features the best 'spaceship flyby bass rumble' ever heard on film. It's in the first 10 minutes, listen out for it! 

Without going into detail about the story, sleep easy, it's heart stompingly gripping and brought to life in a brilliantly conceived, thoroughly well acted, awesomely convincing manner. Well, there's one Scottish lady that sucked me out of the proverbial film bubble every time she spoke, but it's not often, thankfully. 

As far as characters go, without a shadow of a doubt, David (Fassbender) was the films highlight. He acts as a mirror to the whole narrative, a metaphor summing up the greater story arch. Very interesting and incredibly realised by Michael Fassbender. Bravo.

Did it make you think thoughts? Okay, look.. When I came out of the theatre I had mixed feelings, hurt feelings even. I had questions! Burning questions! It seems like they went to a lot of effort towards the end of the movie to link it to the first Alien film, then I found out it's not even set on LV-426! I think you have to embrace the other aspects of the story and stop thinking of Alien. It is well trodden ground, yes, but there are other themes being brought to the surface here. There's an aspect of knowing what you're in for but for the most part I found it a thrilling ride. I needed to sleep on it after I saw it, digestion, it's now gone through the system and I can't stop thinking about it, I need a second viewing! 

You have to see this in a gut bustin' mega-plexasaurus though, surly?! It's no good watching this film on a pithy 6 meter screen delicately eating bird seeds. Well, you can do that, just as long as the place has good sound! Booming sound turned up to the jack hilt is what your ears desire, don't deprive them!

Would you watch it again? Absolutely! 

Rating (out of 100%): 90% Enjoy an awesome, modern day science fiction film from one of cinemas greatest visionaries. This is no time to get all arsey, relax, let some things go and drink in the visuals maaaaaan.

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