Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)

In 7 words or less: The weak final instalment with Chris Rock

What's it all About? Some Chinese dude called Uncle Benny is shipping in slaves from China which seriously grinds Roger Murtaugh's gears! We're cemented firmly in domestic town for this final instalment, everyone's pregnant, by the end there's babies flying around everywhere! Leo Getz is now a private eye, Chris Rock shows up and Jet Li walks around rubbing pleasure beads. That's it folks.

What movie is this?! I see no lethal weaponary here! Or do I?

Best bits? The opening scene where Murtaugh strips to his grundies to distract some nutter in a metal suit wilding a flamethrower is so deliciously over the top that it becomes fiendishly funny! 

How can they be boxer shorts?! They're huge! Imagine wearing those under your jeans!

I suppose the ending feels a little emotional as you know you won't be seeing these guys on screen together again. The photo montage showing moments from all the films as the credits roll is a nice touch.

Did it make you think thoughts? The good work from 1 and 2 bled into 3 and carried it over the line. Unfortunately it doesn't have the legs to save this final instalment. I'm not going to say the film was unnecessary as I think to see a finite ending for these characters was probably an okay shout. Unfortunately It's shockingly executed with a terrible story and god awful set pieces.

For all of the films faults, which there are many, I actually quite enjoy Chris Rock in this. Throwing him into the world of Riggs and Murtaugh at the end of their journey is fine by me.

Would you watch it again? Yeah, you gotta see 'em all.

Rating (out of 100%): 59% The franchise ends in a drastically different place from that of its dark beginnings. This final instalment will probably make you laugh but it will also have you wishing for a more mature, satisfying send off to these incredible characters.
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