Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Antichrist (2009)

In 7 words or less: Lars Von Trier is a dark motherfu*ker

What's it all About? He (Willem Defoe) and She (Charlotte Gainsbourg) lose their infant son in a tragic accident and go to their log cabin in the woods to deal with it. Badly.

Best bits? The opening scene's cinematography is exquisite, and although the subject matter was a bit upsetting, I actually thought 'what's all the fuss about?' It's quite slow going, and is un-nerving for a while before becoming downright horrifying! I imagine this is what Saw would be like if it had any artistic integrity (I have never seen Saw so please feel free to defend it).

The leads are stunning and this is surely going the distance in terms of acting chops. Two very committed people who clearly believe wholly in the story and have complete trust in the director.

Did it make you think thoughts? You have to give it to L.V.T. He is incredibly artistic, original and uncompromising, he puts what is in his head onto the screen very effectively, it's just scary what is actually in his head!

Would you watch it again? No chance

Rating (out of 100%): 73% I personally am a little squeamish but this is an auteur doing his thing and if you dig it then that's fine by me.
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