In 7 words or less: Robots do their best Rocky impression
What's it all About? Hugh Jackman's Charlie is a down on his luck chancer who competes in the world of Robot Boxing (large robots controlled by users who bash each other about in a boxing ring). Oh my lord, who wrote this? I can't even be bothered to look it up. Anyway, when he obtains short term custody of his long forgotten son, he must split his time between being a father and earning a buck.
Did it make you think thoughts? Where to begin. As a general rule I like Jackman. He did play a great Wolverine after all, but Jacky boy, come on, this is a horrific performance that features a truly woeful attempt at a southern US accent. To make matters worse, his character is inherently unlikable and garners zero sympathy after he fails time and time again.
Meanwhile, the kid who plays 'the kid' has a face that I just wanted to punch and that comes from someone who is not a violent person (The Chief is a lover not a fighter). He manages to be an amalgamation of all those annoying little brats from all those kiddie flicks you use to hate while growing up. Stupid little goon. And don't get me started on the part where he dances and the big lumbering robot mimicks his movements and begins body popping, breaking and bustin' moves. On boy, it's a real laugh out loud moment.

Of a more worrying note is the actual way the owners of the robots control their beasts. We are led to believe that a simple joystick can basically make a robot perform any human type action. I'm a sci-fi fan so have to suspend my disbelief on a regular basis but that's just crazy talk.
Of other note is the emotional content which falls horrendously flat, the bolted on love interest which feels...bolted on and the special effects which are not that special.
Would you watch it again? Absolutely no way. I suggest you, the loyal Slump readers, take similar action as this were the plague and avoid.
Rating (out of 100%): Looking for a similarly veined film as the current Rocky crop I am getting through, I thought Real Steel would sate my appetite before I got down to watching Ivan Drago and Rocky Balboa slug it out in mother Russia. I can safely say that if I see a worse film this year I will be very surprised. It also confirms my suspicions that imdb cannot be trusted. Over 36,000 votes and this gets a 7.3. Are you kidding me? That's a lot of people strung out on drugs. Wow. Anyway, I give Real Steel a sanity and life crushing 14%
Rating (out of 100%): Looking for a similarly veined film as the current Rocky crop I am getting through, I thought Real Steel would sate my appetite before I got down to watching Ivan Drago and Rocky Balboa slug it out in mother Russia. I can safely say that if I see a worse film this year I will be very surprised. It also confirms my suspicions that imdb cannot be trusted. Over 36,000 votes and this gets a 7.3. Are you kidding me? That's a lot of people strung out on drugs. Wow. Anyway, I give Real Steel a sanity and life crushing 14%