What's it all About? After the tumultuous events of the previous film, Rocky Balboa decides to retire and settle down with his now wife Adrian. Having spent the majority of his money, Rocky finds the need to get a job but quickly comes to the conclusion that the only thing that will satisfy him is getting back into the boxing game. When Apollo Creed calls Rocky out for a rematch, Balboa must decide what comes first - family or fighting.
Best bits? The training montage is better than it's predecessor and is replete with one arm push ups, one arm chin ups, log squats, chicken chasing and the obligatory step climb. Heart pumping stuff indeed.
There is an awesome bit right at the beginning where both fighters are in the hospital recovering after their first encounter. Rocky is in a wheelchair and makes his way to Apollo's room where he asks him, 'Did you give me your best?' to which Apollo replies, 'Yeah I did'. It's a real touching moment that seems to ease Rocky's soul and put him in a good place. (A lot of people, even having watched the first film, assume Rocky won the first contest but he actually lost on points to Creed)
Did it make you think thoughts? When I was kid, mini Chief if you will, I always ducked Rocky & Rocky II and sought out the dynamic, flashy, action oriented III & IV. Only now as an adult Chief have I come to appreciate the great storytelling and solid acting contained within these 70's classics.

One novel storytelling device used in all the Rocky films is that the next installment continues directly from the last, literally scene for scene. This gives the franchise an even more epic fell to it as we really are witnessing the life of Rocky as he lives it.
There's a nice reflective role reversal here that sees Rocky coming to Micky and asking him to train him whereas in the first film, Micky sought out The Rock.
Would you watch it again? Of course. The ending is slightly more Hollywood than the first film but is very exciting.

Rating (out of 100%): Not as good as Rocky but still a cracking slice of Balboamania. I give Rocky II a 'gonna fly now' 85%

Rating (out of 100%): Not as good as Rocky but still a cracking slice of Balboamania. I give Rocky II a 'gonna fly now' 85%