Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Thursday 5 January 2012

The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

In 7 words or less: Will soon be called "The Hobbit 4"

What's it all About? I gushed enough in the review of Fellowship about the back ground, so I'll dive in. The fellowship has split into 3 - Merry and Pippin have ben hijacked by a rugby team and are being take back to be "initiated"; Aragorn, Legoland and Gimli are running through Linford Bottom and the New Forest trying to save them; and Frodo and Sam (and Gollum) are lost in the rock pools around Kimmeridge trying to get rid of the ring.

Best bits? Again, so many to count. The opening, with Gandalf falling down fighting the Balrog -the last shot of that scene, where it opens up to the huge cavern, and the choir is going.... Spine tingling. Helms Deep is an obvious high point, an epic "Rourke's Drift" build up, to a massive battle, and the release is unreal. The CG on the battle is still amazing... But also two less physical bits really stand out to me - an amazing moment where Elrond is talking to Arwen about how her life will be if she stays behind to be with Aragron:

"And there will be no comfort for you.
No comfort to ease the pain of his passing.
He will come to death,
an image of the splendor of the kings of men in glory undimmed before the breaking of the world.
But you, my daughter, you will linger
on in darkness and in doubt.
As nightfall in winter that comes without a star.
Here you will dwell, bound to your grief,
under the fading trees, until all the
world is changed and the long years
of your life are utterly spent."

Hugo Weaving delivers this so well, with a ton of gravitas... I don't know if it's original Tolkien or Phillipa Boyens writing, but it's a wonderful, massively sad speech. It doesn't make me feel bad for Arwen, I just like the poetry of it The other moment similar to this is the glorious "How has it come to this" speech by Bernard Hill just before the battle at Helms Deep... Magic stuff. I guess I should mention what an insane technical achievement Gollum was, especially comparing it to the rubber-limbed nonsense of 2007's I Am Legend. It's a cliche to say it now, but you do really forget he's a computer character for lots of it.

Did it make you think thoughts? Sean Astin grates on me as a screen presence. Gimli, on one hand, winds me up a bit with his "tension releaving gags" (i. Central Nervous System; ii. Consistency of Squirrel droppings; iii. You'll have to toss me (off); iv. You could have picked a better spot), but Ben's right: I do, as Legoland the Elf does, love him. But Sean Astin winds me up. Not Sam the character - I think he could have been totally charming and amazing.... I just get a bit grr about Sean Astin. Shame really, cos Elijah Wood and Andy "All the orc voices" Serkis are great. Oh god, the orc voices...

"Errgh, we wants some meats."

Would you watch it again? Like the previous one, yes I will. Regularly.

Rating (out of 100%): Hmmmmmmmmm, is it as strong as Fellowship? God, I don't know. I love them all almost equally. Ok, errr... 90%
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