In 7 words or less: Mr T pities that fool Rocky Balboa
What's it all About? Rocky is now the champ and after several successful title defences he faces the challenge of Clubber Lang (Mr T). Yes that's right Clubber Lang, awesome name. To get past this menace Rocky turns to an unlikely source.......Apollo Creed!
Best bits? As always, Rocky training montages set the bench mark and this one is no different. The opening 4 or 5 minutes is a great introduction to Rocky's title reign and is fully enhanced by the fist pumping Eye of The Tiger. The Rocky v Apollo beach running in tight shorts and cropped tops is a highlight.

This installment also features one of my favourite Rocky scenes of all time. For helping to train Rocky, Apollo asks for a favour. You find out what this is right at the end of the film. Here it is in all it's awesome glory.
Did it make you think thoughts? This is very, very different animal than the first two adventures into Rocky land. We have to take into consideration that the 80's had kickstarted a full on macho action fest with Sly, Arnie, Van Damme and many more chiseled heroes chomping their way through screen time splurting one-liners, blowing up buildings and generally laying the smackdown on drug dealers, crime lords and ne'er do wells. Rocky III was not exempt. Gone are the grim and down trodden streets of Philadelphia which gave Rocky and Rocky II a realistic earthy slant. In their place are flashy pomp (as witnessed by the Hulk Hogan cameo) and hyper unrealistic fight scenes. Don't get me wrong, the fights are still heart pumpers but lack the emotional drama of previous outings.

The enemy here is the aforementioned Clubber Lang who would easily feature in the top 5 of any 'most angry man in the world' charts. He spits venom at every opportunity and is in stark opposition to Rocky's happy go lucky bum-makes-good. One word answers and talk of inflicting 'Paaiinn' on Rocky and suggesting he is 'Dead Meat' and a 'paper champion' go a long way towards making this a grudge match for the ages.

Would you watch it again? I'll always be up for a Rocky session but number III would never be at the top of the list.
Rating (out of 100%): Very different from the first two films and should really be judged separately, much like the two Star Wars trilogies. I do like it but I think it's the second weakest of the six Rocky films. I rate it a clubbing 80%