Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Monday 23 January 2012

Ghostbusters (1984)

In 7 words or less: Ghosts get busted every which way.

What's it all About? Three scientists get kicked out of the university where they hold a cushy research grant, for producing no results. After remortgaging Ray's house, they start up a new business concerned with the busting of ghosts. The world starts to end... Who you gonna call?...

...Janine initially, then you may get through to Winston or Ray here.
Best bits? Every single frame of celluloid. It's a film that has been with me since childhood and in watching it this way, the film has gone through a few genre changes. When I was young, this film used to scare the hell out of me. One of the films most incredible moments; Mr Stay Puft walking through the streets of New York city used to give me nightmares.

Cloverfield for toddlers.
Watching this as a young teenager, I was suddenly laughing a whole lot more, the jokes now made sense and it wasn't just about the ghost effects any more. Now, watching this as a thirty year old man-child, I'm still finding new subtleties in this comedy masterpiece.

Favourite scenes include, Venkman's ESP experiment on a a couple of students, making progress whilst hitting on the no-tail and constantly zapping the guy. The librarian ghost. Rick Moranis as the goofy Louis. Sigourney Weaver being worn down by Bill Murray. Catching Slimer in the hotel...

"I see him, Ray"
The montage scenes; the one of the Ghostbuster's rise in popularity, then the one when the Pen-pusher down at city hall turns off the protection grid and unleashes ghostly hell on New York...
"Plheaasseeee.... Pleeeaaaaaseeeee....."
Then, my favourite shot in the film, of our first sighting of Stay Puft through the buildings accompanied by a tense high-pitch wail...

Out for a stroll...
Did it make you think thoughts? I've seen this so many times now, that my brain probably goes into another state when I watch it, making it the perfect relax watch. On a recent view I noticed the amount of smoking in this film. It's hilarious to watch, as things go from bad to worse, they are puffing away in every single frame.

Smoking in the nuclear containment facility
Would you watch it again? This will be on repeat until I die.

Rating (out of 100%): This might even be my favourite film of all time. Top three at least. I can't imagine a way it could be better. So that being said, I'm dishing out a whopping 98% to Ghostbusters. (2% lost for Gozer looking like Ziggy Stardust).
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