Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Sunday 22 January 2012

Van Helsing (2004)

Chief's Sunday ends with a crushing blow to his sanity and general mental stability.

In 7 words or less: Hughie hunts monsters in Eastern Europe

What's it all About? Monster hunter Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) has been sent to Transylvania by order of the Vatican to stop Count Dracula. Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde and Frankenstein's monster also show up along with countless vampires.

Best bits? You'd think a film this long and this expensive looking would have at least one redeeming feature. You'd be wrong.

Did it make you think thoughts? Even when a film is so bad I make a point of finishing it. This one had me thinking about jacking it in on several occasions. For the sake of Slumpy and it's readers I soldiered on. Poor Chief. I don't want to dwell on this film so this will be brief. The story/plot are horrible. The script is woeful. The acting is atrocious. Some of the scenes are so laughable in their absurdity (mostly the ones involving Frank's monster) it defies belief. I am certain this is not intended to be a comedy but trust me, it is.

Would you watch it again? Absolutely no way.

Rating (out of 100%): I recently reviewed Real Steel (also Jackman) and said that if I watched a worse film this year I'd be surprised. Well, colour me surprised because we have a new winner. This travesty is definitely in The Chief's top 10 worst films of all time. I give it a horrific 8%
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