A Sunday with nothing to do for The Chief so he embarks on a triple header of film fare. Will it be goodness or will it be a waste of life minutes? Let's find out...
In 7 words or less: Future apocalypse, man walks, carries book
What's it all About? Denzil Washington's man-with-no-name (he's called Eli because that the's name stitched inside his rucksack) wanders around a post apocalyptic America trying to get to the west coast. Along the way he bumps into Gary Oldman who is the leader of a small town attempting to prosper in the desolate wilderness. When he finds out that Denzil has a certain book he has long been looking for, tempers flare and things get ugly.
Best bits? In terms of looks, the the film does a great job of portraying a post war hell hole where people are forced to scavenge, thieve and kill to survive. This is mainly done through muted greys and browns and a lack of vibrant colours on screen. Gary O is good as small time two bit hood Carnegie.

Did it make you think thoughts? SPOILERS WILL FOLLOW - It's for your own good. So, 30 mins in and not much has happened. We've established that Denzil is a badass mother having chopped and slashed up a load a of vagrants intend on robbing him. 15 mins later he's wandered into a sleepy burg, killed another ten creeps and we find out he is carrying a bible. This is also when we encounter Gary Oldman who wants the bible so he can control the masses! That evil cur.
We're led to believe that people born after the end of days haven't heard of the bible, aren't aware of religion and have no clue what a tv is. Oh yeah, it's also the only bible left in the world. huh? Apparently, after the big nuclear war everyone burned their bibles because they thought that was the cause of armageddon. Yes that's correct. All the world's bibles were destroyed. Wow, how quickly people lose their faith. Ha Ha but Denzil didn't lose faith no sir. So, after we've established that he is carrying the sole means to start a new revolution, we get some chasing, some tracking, and some gunplay.

It would have been a semi mediocre effort if not for the wince inducing twist at the end. TWIST SPOILER. The bible is a brail one. Denzil is blind (even though he does nothing to suggest so during the film). Holy walking stick, that made me want to cry out with laughter. It just made all the chaotic nonsense that Denzil did earlier in the film seem like the most far fetched unbelievable pile of junk I might ever have witnessed on a silver screen.
Ultimately this is a massive pro religion film that says the only way to save mankind is to re-educate the population using the bible. I have nothing more to say on the matter.
Would you watch it again? Nope. It's just a bit boring and goes nowhere.
Rating (out of 100%): Awful film, avoid. 14%
Would you watch it again? Nope. It's just a bit boring and goes nowhere.
Rating (out of 100%): Awful film, avoid. 14%