Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Saturday 28 January 2012

Moneyball (2011)

In 7 words or less: Baseball, statistics, more baseball, more statistics

What's it all About? The Oakland Athletics Major League Baseball team is struggling due to financial limitations. This is the true story of how general manager Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) assembled a squad of players based on computer generated analysis in an attempt to keep the budget down.

Best bits? When the team starts winning, you don't want them to stop.

Did it make you think thoughts? How much do you know about baseball? I postulate that this is the key question regarding how much you will enjoy this film. The Chief is a widely travelled person who is knowledgeable in many areas. Baseball happens to be one of them. Although I'm not well versed in all facets of the game I certainly knew enough to understand 95% of baseball talk contained within. Others may struggle. The more you don't understand, the more you may become disinterested. However, I do think the film has enough depth to still remain watchable even if you have no idea what a no-hitter, fly ball to center or a bullpen is.

Pitt is great as always, even though he doesn't have to flex his acting chops too much, and he is ably supported by a gaggle of proficient actors. The film does feel a bit like a drama that could have been better suited to tv but nonetheless, even at over 2 hrs, I found it engaging throughout.

Would you watch it again? Yeah, I think I would

Rating (out of 100%): A solid sports drama based on history which helps it to avoid an over-Hollywoodised ending. Give it a go, you just might like it (unless you're a non-sport loving girl. No sexism intended) I give Moneyball a dollar-dollar billtastic 70%
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