Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Thursday 5 January 2012

The Social Network (2010)

In 7 words or less: Trying to impress girls by becoming billionaire

What's it all About? Awkward poindexter Mark Zuckerberg is pretty much the epitome of a bitter nerdlinger, alienating the ladies and then blogging himself silly about them afterwards. Through setting up a pretty angry site comparing girls at the college (which won't get him anywhere in getting back in the ladies' good books), he sets himself on the way to designing the worlds most visited website. To me, his genius is (along side the programming shat) his cripplingly analytical attention to detail - anyone else would have just made a dating site and everyone would have hated it. But he knew that, while it's NOT a dating site, it totally is, to check people out on and see if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend. He knows how to ride the line amazingly - "it's cool right now. Advertising will ruin that!"

Best bits? The excitement in this film is awesome - the feeling that you're part of something that will be massive, and every time they think it's got big, it keeps getting bigger - until the AWESOME moment when he can say to a room of smarmy movie lawyers "I've done something that NO ONE in here could do!" - I nearly jumped up and high-fived Rist. It really is rock and roll! And I've always liked Jesse Eisenberg, he's a great geek actor - in this he rips it up at a zillion miles an hour!

Trent Reznor's score is great, really obviously him, but has made me realised this is what he's best for now.... just mood music, especially comparing this to the last few tepid NIN albums!

Did it make you think thoughts? Poor old Eduardo Saverin. Really got stiffed in the duration, but is he really that much more of a nice guy in real life?! The contrast in the film is pretty ludicrous! He's like bloody Mother Theresa being sued by McDonalds! But it makes the film tense and exciting, cos I still think Zuckerberg is a good guy too, if awkward as hell. This story really whips you up and carries you along.

I also loved how recent this all is - Facebook didn't exist when I first moved to London! Or at least I didn't know about it... Very real, and maybe the first big business room drama that is about things that are really part of my life? (this fact is ludicrously unchecked.)

Would you watch it again? Yes, for sure. It's a total class act of a film.

Rating (out of 100%): I "liked" this film - 93%
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