Best bits? The tone of this film (if that's a best bit) is wonderfully suspenseful and terrifying. A genuine feeling of the unknown is transcended through the screen, from the incredible, claustrophobic sets to the slow, sweeping camera shots around the ship, everything makes you feel extremely uneasy.
Stand out scenes for me are the opening camera shots introducing us to the Nostromo; deadly silent tracking shots of her empty corridors really sucks you into the films environment. The space walk on LV426 and subsequent egg hatching scene is a real favourite of mine too. The alien ship has to be one of the best film sets ever made. So many scenes to mention, it really is a master class to be honest. This kind of awesomeness gets me so excited!
Did it make you think thoughts? Yep. Another great example of an old film looking absolutely breathtaking on blu ray. The detail on the Nostromo inside and out is mind blowing.
I think everyone has become a little desensitised to the whole chest bursting thing but circa '79 this was wild stuff. When you take a minute to think about that process, the alien's lifecycle, it's bloody horrific!
This film was given to Ridley (relatively unknown at the time) with no budget and only b movie expectations. He took it and not only created a masterpiece but a new genre to boot!
Would you watch it again? Absolutely! Fantastic scares that keep on giving!
Rating (out of 100%): 93% Such a defining, classic film. Masterful stuff from one of the worlds best!