Best bits? At last we get a Fred origin story. This franchise does have some awesome movie posters as well. On display here is the Japanese version which has Fred using some kind of magic. Yowza!
Did it make you think thoughts? So, Freddy returns yet again but this time he's somehow controlling the unlucky kids (the children of the adults that killed his human self way back when) and making them commit suicide in various nasty gorey ways. Larry Fishburne makes a brief appearance and the quality skyrockets but then dramatically drops when his 5 minutes of fame are over. The plotting and storyline confused me slightly and it gets a bit David Lynch bizarre towards the end but not in a good way. The budget does seem to be bigger than previous outings and the production is fairly slick for the time but in the end it's just a mis mash up of ideas that falls flat. Oh yeah, and the eponymous villain Mr Krueger hardly appears, weird.
Would you watch it again? Pass
Rating (out of 100%): Gore rating 60%
Difficult to know whether this is better or worse than the second installment. The bizarreness here wins outs over the boredom of number 2. Movie rating 30%