In 7 words or less: Im sure it was scarey in 1985
Best bits? The scene where the lead kid tidys his bedroom in classic 80's montage fashion
Did it make you think thoughts? Yeah, mainly that I was recommended to watch NIghtmare 3 by a nameless source (you know who you are). I thought I'd instead do the whole shebang and review all 9 Feddy pics. Uh oh. This takes a massive nosedive from the first installment which wasn't exactly great in the first place. My main bone of contention is that it's not explained how Mr Krueger came back, how he uses his powers and how he is ultimately defeated. Also there is lots and lots and lots of screaming.
Would you watch it again? This is terrible....no
Rating (out of 100%): Watching this has made me fearful, and not in a good way, of completing the mamoth task ahead of me. Scare rating 10%
Best bits? The scene where the lead kid tidys his bedroom in classic 80's montage fashion
Did it make you think thoughts? Yeah, mainly that I was recommended to watch NIghtmare 3 by a nameless source (you know who you are). I thought I'd instead do the whole shebang and review all 9 Feddy pics. Uh oh. This takes a massive nosedive from the first installment which wasn't exactly great in the first place. My main bone of contention is that it's not explained how Mr Krueger came back, how he uses his powers and how he is ultimately defeated. Also there is lots and lots and lots of screaming.
Would you watch it again? This is terrible....no
Rating (out of 100%): Watching this has made me fearful, and not in a good way, of completing the mamoth task ahead of me. Scare rating 10%
Movie rating 25%