First of all a disclaimer. This claims to be the final destination but there has in fact been a further installment of this tepid franchise, the recently released final destination 5.

Best bits? The title sequence is amusing
Did it make you think thoughts? You really don't need much meat on the bones of films these days to start a franchise do you? I vaguely remember watching the first one thinking it was kind of fresh and new. It made me jump....I think. This one however, did not. Terrible script, boring plot, horrible acting and worst of all predictable maiming deaths (the main stooge who forsees the tragedies does so in a way that removes all suspense and jumps from the unsuspenseful unjumpy deaths). This will no doubt appeal to the rampant milkshake swilling, street corner-hanging teen audience who are probably more interested in trying to feel up their skanky girlfriend in the back row of the local multiplex. The Chief however, is not one of these delinquents (he does his feeling up in classy establishments).
Would you watch it again? Jog on dot com
Rating (out of 100%): Not the absolute travesty I seem to have made out but trash all the same.
Jumpability rating 19%
Movie rating 30%