Best bits? The bat-shit crazy twist made me laugh at least
Did it make you think thoughts? So, after the comparitively good Red State (compared to what I have been watching recently) The Chief falls back into his comfort zone of turgid rubbish. Ho Hum. Firstly, at 2 hours this is way too long for a modern day horror. Way too much build up and not enough pay-off. Obviously little 9 yr old Ester is at the heart of the weirdness but there just aren't enough scares contained within. It's all on display and nothing left to the imagination (apart from the aforementioned crazy ass twist) Aside from this, Vera Farmiga, that's the mother not the freaky orphan, is kinda kookie but I have a thing for her so it kept me watching through to the end at least.
Would you watch it again? Nah
Rating (out of 100%): Horror rating 15%
Movie rating 25%