Best bits? ....
Did it make you think thoughts? Yeah, the prevailing one being, why does The Chief watch so many dung movies? This had the potential to be pretty tasty. A college project where people are interviewed about their fears turns nasty when things get pushed a little too far. The first problem stems from the fact that surely no one would tell strangers their deepest darkest 'dread' filled morose tales. Secondly, there are little to no chills and spills until we hit the 30 mins to go point. I think the main issue stems from the film not knowing what it wants to be. It comes off as a weak amalgamation of a psychological thriller crossed with a torture flick, succeeding at neither.
Would you watch it again? Nope
Did it make you think thoughts? Yeah, the prevailing one being, why does The Chief watch so many dung movies? This had the potential to be pretty tasty. A college project where people are interviewed about their fears turns nasty when things get pushed a little too far. The first problem stems from the fact that surely no one would tell strangers their deepest darkest 'dread' filled morose tales. Secondly, there are little to no chills and spills until we hit the 30 mins to go point. I think the main issue stems from the film not knowing what it wants to be. It comes off as a weak amalgamation of a psychological thriller crossed with a torture flick, succeeding at neither.
Would you watch it again? Nope
Rating (out of 100%): I am now employing a dual scoring system for the remains of horror season. The usual overall rating but also a secondary horror specific rating relating to the movie reviewed.
Psychological mind tampering rating 15%
Movie rating 25%