Best bits? Aside from the occasional inventive zombie death there isn't much to get excited about. The zoms attempting to learn is mildly amusing... For a few seconds. I was pretty glad when it ended to be honest.
Did it make you think thoughts? This is the worst ...Of The Dead in the series. Apparently it's the one where Hollywood got involved but I doubt that's the singular reason why it turned out to be total rubbish. The concept of (slow) zoms that start to learn and solve problems is hardly riveting and we certainly don't need emotional based scenes sympathising with the zombies plight!
I've never seen a less terrifying (serious) zombie film in all my zomming days! The humans have barricaded themselves into a city completely surrounded by water, they have massive electric fences, turrets, outposts, guns, rockets, super car tank things, where in gods name is the threat?! I don't see the attraction of being on the side of the zombie mocking hicks in a film like this; surly those are the guys we want to see getting gummed to death by slow zommers?!
Would you watch it again? With so many great zombie flicks out there I can't imagine going back for more.
Rating (out of 100%): 35% Seriously substandard stuff from the guy who's meant to be king of the zombies. There's enough zom smashing to stop this from being a total disaster but still a seriously misjudged piece of work.