Best bits? The part where our heroine uses a pillow to combat Fred's razor sharp knives is amusing, as is the bit where she claims to have been awake for 7 days and yet is still full of beans. The following is also my favourite part of the script:
Nancy is at the sleep institute while they monitor her sleep patterns.
Nancy's Mom - 'What are dreams?'
Doctor - 'They're mysterious, incredible hocus pocus'
Good scientific reasoning doc. I should also mention the scene near the end where Nancy sets up traps in her house to put a beat down on Fred. This is a stroke of genius and a real laugh out loud moment as well as something Home Alone completely ripped off.
Did it make you think thoughts? This seemed to be the predominent horror franchise of the 80's and I seem to remember it scaring the bejesus out of me when I first saw it. That may have been down to the fact that I was 9 at the time but on this rewatching I wasn't sure what to expect. Okay, so the first time we see the infamous Freddy Krueger he's hobbling around like a drunken hobo and has 8ft long arms. Not the scarefest I remember. In fact, Krueger comes across as bit of a stooge, all bumbling and clowinsh. Looking at the actors, none of them ever appeared anywhere again, with one exception. A good job as they are all awful. Even a young Johnny Depp manages to stink up the place. If you told me at the time he would go on to be one of the best actors of his generation I'd have filled your pockets with soup, probably lentil & bacon, and sent you on your way.
Would you watch it again? Although it seems there are some bits I really enjoyed, the overall product is not good, so no, I doubt I will watch again.
Rating (out of 100%): I'm not sure if it was meant to be a horror comedy but it is, thus the horror rating is 20%
The high laugh content moves this up from the mid 30's to a Movie rating of 50%