Best bits? If you had a time machine you'd be aware that you wouldn't have to suffer any more of this nonsense for another 7 years until the obvious remake in 2010 (which I now have to watch, uugghh)
Did it make you think thoughts? It made me consider the fact that I don't think I've ever seen a Friday the 13th movie. Not sure if that's good or bad. Anyway, it left me with several thoughts that I couldn't be bothered to look up on wikipedia. Is this Jason character supposed to be the same dude from all the 13th films? Is he supernatural in power or just a mega tough s.o.b? How does Freddy suddenly know kung-fu during the final knock-down, drag-out fight scene? Let's be honest, do I really care? No. No I don't. Essentially what we have here is pretty standard stuff in the guise of, teen goes off alone, gets slaughtered, bad guy moves oh so slow yet still manages to kill more teens nonsense. Freddy (who isn't real by the way. What do you mean you didn't read my review of Freddy 7 that explained it all) somehow resurrects Jason to scare the kids into making himself re-exist. Kids fall alseep, Freddy strikes, pointless reverse dolly zoom, yadda, yadda, yadda. Throw in a poor mans Jay from the Jay & Silent Bob tandem and there you have it. It's official, I now have Nightmare fatigue.
Would you watch it again? Nope
Rating (out of 100%): After the turgid dross that was number 7, this looks good in comparison. Of course it's still turgid just less so. An almost-done Movie rating of 27%