Best bits? The way you're never really sure what this film is, it constantly fools you into thinking you have a grasp on the story and then suddenly yanks you in another direction. At first it feels like a b-movie monster flick but after the 2 hours are up you realise it's so much more than that!
The mist in itself is great, suitably creepy and mysterious and in no way corny, you mess that up in a film called 'The Mist' and you're in a world of trouble.
The characters are all fantastic. I found myself choosing my favourites, the ones I trust, the ones I want dead (the religious nut is gloriously annoying).
Because the whole film plays out in a supermarket incased by 'The Mist' it basically feels like an epic 2 hour long scene. If I was choosing best bits though... I'd have to say the ending. Unexpected and deeply harrowing. Oh, one more thing, all the creatures and monsters are fantastic!
Did it make you think thoughts? Made me think how important a good director is. In the wrong hands this Stephen King adaptation could have been utter dirge, lucky for us Frank Darabont was at the helm! He is a master! It really is a great film!
Would you watch it again? Once a year I'd imagine. Every time hoping that 'mega downer' ending would change but obviously not really!
Rating (out of 100%): 88% For an old concept it feels incredibly original. Probably because it's really well made and is full of great performances where so many films like this aren't. I highly recommend!