Best bits? I quite enjoy the freak accidents that pick his opposition off, and they're milked for maximum impact - impaled by lightning rod, decapitated by a sheet of glass, thrown out of windows etc. Damien's nanny, Mrs Baylock and her hellhound are particularly creepy and he is one sinister child. Trip to church, anyone? The weird operatic score, with some choral (latin?) pieces, also add to the atmosphere.
Did it make you think thoughts? It makes me think that if I ever have children, I'll be checking very thoroughly for birth marks...
Would you watch it again? Why not - though not for a while yet. Not as scary as I found it when I first watched it (at probably an inappropriately young age) but still entertaining enough.
Rating (out of 100%): a slightly dated 77%
Rating (out of 100%): a slightly dated 77%