Best bits? I quite liked the first installment of this comic book turned movie franchise but this is a humungous come down. I really am struggling to find a single bright spot here.
Did it make you think thoughts? Sure did. Thoughts such as, why am I watching this steaming pile of dog turd? and, who greenlit this movie? It's not even scary or jumpy, surely a prerequiste for vampire/horror films. It is simply a, lead character survives supernatural attack (the first 30 days of night), relocates, hooks up with like minded individuals, hunts vampires, kills the queen and has a non-shocking ending kind of film. Believe me, I haven't spoilt anything there, merely saved you, faithful reader, 90 minutes of your existence.
Would you watch it again? You're joking right?
Rating (out of 100%): I watched The Duchess recently and that could be classed as more of a horror show than this meek effort. I rate this a life-sucking 16%