Best bits? Nope
Did it make you think thoughts? It made me wonder if there are any films with Farrell in that I actually like. hhmm, Tigerland is pretty good and actually features the same director as this here travesty, Joel Schumacher. The plot revolves around a particularly unlikeable gad-about forced to follow the orders of a mystrey voice all the while stuck in a phone booth. Hokey or what? As the film goes on I think we're supposed to warm to the arrogant, cheating self serving Farrell but in actuality I just wanted him to bite the big one. No sympathy here loyal readers. The worst part is that the mystery voice, rather than being menacing and serious, is pure comedy. I found myself cringing and laughing in equal measure. Not a glowing recomendation for a non-comedy intended thriller.
Would you watch it again? Ha Ha....No
Rating (out of 100%): A friend at work commented that, 'It's a good easy watch, I kinda like it.' Were they on crack? Suffice to say they are no longer welcome at Casa De Chief. A zero-signal rating of 15%