Best bits? When a brooding, melancholy Rpattz confronts some annoying brats that have been bullying his little sister. A real 'come on!' moment. Lots of great angsty showdowns between Rpattz and his onscreen father, Bronhorn (Pierce Brosnan). Also worth mentioning is the relatively shocking ending that really surprised me. No spoilers here people!
Did it make you think thoughts? Yep. I think Rpattz is a great actor! I also think the little girl who plays his sister is totally amazing. Woman from LOST doesn't seem to age like regular humans. Makes me want to live in New York... For a bit. Erm.. What else..Surprised how much I enjoyed this. That's all.
Would you watch it again? Yeah. Really good characters and well acted. Ticks my re-watch boxes.
Rating (out of 100%): 79% Doesn't do what it says on the tin. This is actually a really good, gritty story that has really engaging characters. Get your angst on kids!