Best bits? Saying too much will ruin the story but I think it's great how subtly they reveal the plot, mixing a bit of sci fi, horror and some typically reserved English romance.
The best bit was when halfway through watching I realised Keira Knightly was doing some quality acting... and there wasn't a pout or big powdered wig in sight.
Did it make you think thoughts? It made me think bleak and deep sciency thoughts which were probably encouraged by the grey/green sterile toning and melancholic violin soundtrack.
It's the quietest horror film I've ever seen and the realism left me feeling more than a little unnerved.
Would you watch it again? Yes I would, but I need a few weeks to cheer up again before I do.
Rating (out of 100%): 85% Beautifully shot, great acting and now I must read the book.