Best bits? The spot-on celebrity cameo about two-thirds of the way through is just an amazing sequence, and makes the film for me. The fact that it involves my all-time favourite of course helps!
I like Woody Harrelson's character, Tallahassee - he's got a knack for killing zombies with style and a penchant for twinkies. The weird relationship between him and Columbus kind of works too - a partnership that would never happen under normal circumstances, but in all the chaos, the two opposites seem to work. I actually cared whether they get their brains eaten or not.
Did it make you think thoughts? Not a lot really, no - just a 'sit back and enjoy' sort of film. There isn't really a lot of plot, but a few great zombie kills and one-liners, and the odd really gory moment.
However, it did remind me that like Columbus, I'm not too keen on clowns either... (No, Pennywise - I don't want to come and see what's down the drain...)
Would you watch it again? Yeah, I think so! I quite like a zombie movie every once in a while, so they had me on board anyway. It's not really scary (except the zombies can run - aarghhh!) but I found this a ridiculous, funny, enjoyable comedy treat.
Would you watch it again? Yeah, I think so! I quite like a zombie movie every once in a while, so they had me on board anyway. It's not really scary (except the zombies can run - aarghhh!) but I found this a ridiculous, funny, enjoyable comedy treat.
Rating (out of 100%): 84% Not as good as Shaun of the Dead, but still put a big smile on my face.