In 7 words or less: Kill 1 to save 10,000?
Best bits? Samuel L Jackson finally being back on top form.
Did it make you think thoughts? Yeah. I thought this would be one of those straight to dvd 1 hr 30 min fairly non-descript kind of affairs. To my surprise I realy got into it. Samuel L is the ex-cia agent entrusted to interogate Micheal Sheen's domestic terrorist and find the location of some hidden nukes before they go off. The premise sounds simple, but throw in a morally upright FBI agent played by Carrie-Ann Moss along with a presidential decree granting Sam any means necessary and you have a tight little suspense filled drama. The central question is, how far would you go to obtain the answers you need to stop something drastic happening? For a hollywood movie, the answers displayed might surprise you and I certainly didn't see the ending coming.
Would you watch it again? Not sure. It's possible that it will lose something on repeat views.
Rating (out of 100%): A definite sleeper hit that probably slipped under most people's radar. Not a classic but something a bit different than the usual hollywood dirge. A stabby, pokey, electrocutingly good 80%
Rating (out of 100%): A definite sleeper hit that probably slipped under most people's radar. Not a classic but something a bit different than the usual hollywood dirge. A stabby, pokey, electrocutingly good 80%