Best bits? Hoth. Just sensational! The rebel base set is totally amazing! I love the idea of the rebels being held up in here and then getting flushed out by Vader and the Empire! Nothing embodies the sheer unstoppable force of the Imperials more than the awe inspiring site of six AT-ATs marching slowly across the icy plains of Hoth!
The whole vibe of this film is fantastic. Getting the big battle and shoving it right at the start so you free up the rest of the film solely for character development is a commendable concept. The coziness of being onboard the Millenium Falcon with our heroes for pretty much two thirds of the movie is my favourite narrative though.
New and exciting characters introduced in the final act such as Lando Calrissian and Boba Fett are a real highlight for me. A stunning light saber fight chock full of revelations and a beautifully constructed 'downer' ending makes this one of my favourite films of all time.
Did it make you think thoughts? Watching this on Blu Ray really was like seeing it with fresh eyes! Drinking in the glorious sets and gawping at the incredible level of detail and care shown in every single shot.
Did it make you think thoughts? Watching this on Blu Ray really was like seeing it with fresh eyes! Drinking in the glorious sets and gawping at the incredible level of detail and care shown in every single shot.
I wish I could remember seeing this for the first time! People really must have been blown away. Technically it's light years more advanced than it's predecessor and shows an incredible leap in special effects in just 3 short years. It is so different to 'A New Hope.'
Would you watch it again? On loop.
Rating (out of 100%): 98% When people ask me 'what's your favourite film?' I can't remember a time when I haven't answered 'The Empire Strikes Back.'
Would you watch it again? On loop.
Rating (out of 100%): 98% When people ask me 'what's your favourite film?' I can't remember a time when I haven't answered 'The Empire Strikes Back.'