Best bits? Malkovich looks great, acts mean (even with a dodgy accent) and should have been given more screen time. Megan Fox's character is pointless but super hot.
Did it make you think thoughts? Wow, a 72 minute feature film. It's not often I wish a film was longer but here is a perfect example. There just isn't enough time to flesh out all the possible story angles. It's a western with a supernatural twist. The problem is that the supernatural element is so briefly touched on they should have either left it out altogether or made the film longer and ramped it up. A missed opportunity.
Would you watch it again? Let me put it this way, I'll take it over Transformers 3 any day of the week.
Rating (out of 100%): Not nearly the flop the box office and critics would have you believe. It's a perfectly serviceable western romp that won't win any awards but is inoffensive all the same. A six-shooting 61%