Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Tuesday 29 November 2011

30 Minutes or Less (2011)

In 7 words or less: Slackers become embroiled in weirdo assassination plot.

What's it all About? Pizza delivery chump, Nick, gets coerced into robbing a bank by two red neck hoodlums who require the money to pay an assassin to off red neck number one's old man so they can get the inheritance. Lame.

Best bits? I think I laughed at the bit, on second thoughts I didn't laugh once

Did it make you think thoughts? Danny McBride is a funny guy. Or at least he use to be. Eastbound & Down is a cracking tv show ideally suited to his crude, degenerate style of comedy. The trouble is that he just seems to be reproducing that character in every movie he appears in. To be honest it's boring and slightly irritating. How did any of the people involved in this shambles read the script and think, 'You know what, this will be a great film'. The answer? They didn't. It's not a good comedy and it's not a good action flick.

Would you watch it again? No way Jose

Rating (out of 100%): What a mess. I give this a take-it-away-in-15-mins-or-less-or-I-will-set-my-dog-on-you 15% ah back in the comfort zone of watching crap films.
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