Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Saturday 19 November 2011

Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011)

In 7 words or less: Penguins scream loudly in Jim Carrey's face.

What's it all About? It's the same old story of a divorced couple sharing the weekends with the kids. Mr. Popper, whilst excelling at ripping off land owners is not doing so well with his kids. That is until he receives an unusual delivery.... Yep... some penguins.

Best bits? My favourite thing about this movie was that they made the penguins a bunch of annoying jerks. They don't have too much human character (i'm aware of the dancing penguins above), so Jim's basically stuck with some stinking, shrieking wild animals. They also get given stupid names in a moment of panic, like Loudy, Lovey and Nimrod.

There's also a treat in here later on where Popper looses it, and turns his apartment into an arctic zone with snow, ice etc and starts becoming the penguin. It's all good, soft comedy.

There's a charming character played by Ophelia Lovibond called Pippi, who gets turned on by words beginning with the letter P. Although she doesn't actually get much to do.

Did it make you think thoughts? There's some charm to be had here. It's intentions are wholly good and for this its hard to criticise, although there's not really much to like about Popper himself and Carrey is looking decidedly ropey, he does redeem himself near the end somewhere.

Kids will love those CG Penguins too, which are well rendered for the most part. In fact, I predict a the entire western world of kids all begging their parents for a Loudy or a Stinky.

Would you watch it again? I could actually go through this all again. It wasn't a chore. Much better than California Man with Brendon Frasier.

Rating (out of 100%): 76% This may be the highest score on the planet for this film, but I really feel people are being harsh on this harmless family comedy. HOOOooooNNNKkkKKK!
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