Slumpy - Right-On Film Reviews

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Space Camp (1986)

In 7 words or less: Strange adults almost accidentally kill 5 kids.

Best bits? Just the glorious '80s vibe of this film. 5 kids accidentally get launched into space? Yes please! A young Joaquin Phoenix is entertaining with his constant Star Wars quoting and the rest of the gang adequately tickle my '80s bone.

One scene in particular is hilarious when the chick in charge is berating our gang of space campers for messing up in the shuttle simulater. She screams "you're dead, you're all dead" about 5 times and then blames one teenager for getting 4 people killed!

Did it make you think thoughts? I think I prefer kids from the '80s rather than kids from 2011. I love how back then in PG rated films you were aloud to say 'shit' repeatedly. This film actually gets dull when they go into space, I prefer the bits when they're taking part in the properly staffed Space Camp. Is there such a thing as Space Camp? No, there can't be. Not after this film anyway.

Would you watch it again? Yeah, I'll show it to my son so he knows what to do if he accidentally gets launched into space by a weird robot thingy.

Rating (out of 100%): 69% Great trip down memory lane. Certainly not the best '80s kid fest but still fun!
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